9 Jan. 2001

Dear Ann & Erol

I was deeply grieved at the recent news that Andrew is no longer with us. Andrew worked with me at the "India Desk" in the Dept. of External Relations in the European Commission in Brussels from Oct. '98 – Mar. '99.

He was such a beautiful, lively, humorous, spirit and had me in gales of laughter as he quickly changed from Scots Gaelic to mimic my "Top o' the mornin' " Irish accent...We'd kept in touch after he left our office and in fact, I met him on 31st July last year for lunch as he passed through Brussels on his way to Germany, I believe.

Andrew was in his usual high spirits, recanting tales of his trip around Asia and the Middle East and if recall correctly, he was all set for a job in one of the UK Ministries.

An e-mail flashed across my screen on Monday, 8th January and to say I am shocked and deeply saddened at the loss of such a BRIGHT & BUBBLY SOUL cannot be expressed strongly enough.

I can only imagine the heartache and pain that you are going through and I hope and pray that you both will have the strength and courage to get through this period.

My memories of Andrew are of someone full of laughter, eager to help out and so very talented with words and language...

Such people never die But Live Forever in our memories larger than life.

My sincerest sympathy

Veronica Cullen